Thursday, August 27, 2020

Causas y consecuencias de negación de ingreso a USA

Causas y consecuencias de negaciã ³n de ingreso a USA Cada aã ±o millones de personas que llegan an un aeropuerto de EEUU u otro punto legitimate de entrada como fronteras terrestres o puertos. Ms de 200 mil se encuentran con el problema de que child devueltos al lugar del que vienen. Este es un problema que afecta tanto a los extranjeros que viajan con visa no inmigrante como a los que desean ingresar an Estados Unidos sin visado por pertenecer an un paã ­s del Programa de Exenciã ³n de Visas o, incluso, con una tarjeta de residencia permanente.â Y es que los à ºnicos a los que no se le puede impedir el ingreso en los Estados Unidos es a los ciudadanos estadounidenses, quienes tienen que presentar un documento vlido que acredite esa condiciã ³n y permita el paso migratorio. En este artã ­culo se informa sobre cã ³mo es el control migratorio donde pueden surgir problemas, las razones ms comunes por las que se niega el ingreso a los Estados Unidos, cules child las consecuencias y una referencia an estadã ­sticas y a sistemas que permiten acelerar el paso migratorio. El control migratorio en los puntos de ingreso a los Estados Unidos Estados Unidos tiene un all out de 329 Puntos de Entrada, lo que se conoce por sus siglas en inglã ©s como POE y que child fronteras terrestres, puertos y aeropuertos con controles migratorios internacionales. El control consta de dos partes, primero, uno migratorio y, despuã ©s, otro pero de aduanas. Para el migratorio se forman dos filas, una exclusivamente para ciudadanos a los que pueden acompaã ±ar sus familiares inmediatos extranjeros, y otra para tasks los dems. En algunos casos es posible formar parte de programas que aceleran este paso, de lo cual se explica ms al last del artã ­culo. Como regla general, el control migratorio se demora entre 10 y 30 segundos. Es posible que se envã ­e an una persona a lo que se conoce como doble inspecciã ³n. No tiene que ser algo malo. Por ejemplo, todas las personas con advance parole pasan por esa situaciã ³n.â Sã ³lo despuã ©s de haber obtenido el OK migratorio se pasa a la inspecciã ³n aduanera. Y ya a partir de ahã ­ se ingresa a los Estados Unidos.â  ¿Por quã © child devueltos por inmigraciã ³n desde los aeropuertos u otros puestos fronterizos legales? Las razones child varias destacando: En el caso especã ­fico de los residentes permanentes, puede que se llegue a la conclusiã ³n de que no est residiendo en los Estados Unidos y ahã ­ pueden surgir muchos problemas. En tasks los dems casos, puede suceder que laâ visa se ha cancelado pero su nominal no lo sabe. En los casos del Programa de Exenciã ³n de visas si la persona ha estado previamente en USA y se ha excedido de los 90 dã ­as permitidos, ha perdido este privilegio y si viaja sin visa no se le dejar ingresar. Pero el caso ms comã ºn es que el oficial de inmigraciã ³n sospecha que la persona tiene la intenciã ³n deâ quedarse en Estados Unidos o a buscar trabajo ilegalmente o lo ha hecho en el pasado. No importa que se tenga una visa en regla, ese oficial es el que tiene la à ºltima palabra. Recordar que de todas las visas temporales, incluida la de turista, solo las H-1B y las L child de doble intenciã ³n, es decir, sã ³lo con ellas se puede tener la intenciã ³n de emigrar. El oficial de inmigraciã ³n ve en la computadora del sistema TECS que el extranjero es inadmisible para los Estados Unidos o inelegible para la visa que porta por cualquier razã ³n. Un ejemplo de esto à ºltimo es un turista que viene con la intenciã ³n de casarse y quedarse en el paã ­s. El oficial de inmigraciã ³n tambiã ©n puede ver si la persona tiene pendiente una orden de arresto. Si es asã ­, eso es lo que va a pasar. Segã ºn los à ºltimos datos conocidos en un sã ³lo aã ±o financial se detuvieron a 24,000 personas cuando intentaban ingresar an Estados Unidos. En casos excepcionales, el oficial de inmigraciã ³n puede permitir ingresar a USA an un extranjero sin los documentos necesarios. Ello es asã ­ porque le da lo que se conoce como un parole. Por ejemplo, a las personas que de un modo creã ­ble solicitan asilo en una frontera, puerto o aeropuerto. Quã © puede pasar en un control migratorio En la inmensa mayorã ­a de los casos, no pasa absolutamente nothing y se ingresa sin incidencias. Pero para las personas que tienen problemas roughage que destacar dos cosas: Primero, que en el control migratorio no se tiene derecho an abogado, excepto si se ha seã ±alado que una persona es objeto de una investigaciã ³n criminal. Adems, las autoridades tienen derecho an enlistment center sin autorizaciã ³n legal previa el equipaje de cualquier persona y tambiã ©n sus aparatos electrã ³nicos, como computadoras, telã ©fonos, tabletas, cmaras digitales, and so forth. Y segundo, cuando an una persona extranjera no se la deja ingresar roughage que saber exactamente quã © pasã ³. Porque pueden darse situaciones tan diversas como: se permite una retira de la peticiã ³n de ingresar y se pone en la visa I-275ocurre una expulsiã ³n inmediataun residente firma su renuncia a la green card Si ha surgido un problema, lo mejor a partir de ahã ­ es consultar con un abogado migratorio para ver quã © pasos a seguir, segã ºn ocean el caso de cada uno.  ¿Quà © tan problemtico es el control migratorio en Estados Unidos? Cada aã ±o, ms de 360 millones de viajeros, entre estadounidenses y extranjeros, cruzan un puerto de entrada al paà ­s. De ellos, un poco ms de cien millones ingresan por aeropuertos, siendo el modo ms comã ºn de ingreso el cruce de una frontera terrestre. Aproximadamente, unos 320 mil viajeros no pueden ingresar, lo cual es un nã ºmero grande pero pequeã ±o comparado con el total.â  ¿Es posible evitar las largas filas? En algunos puertos de entrada o en determinadas fechas las demoras para pasar el control migratorio pueden ser muy largas, particularmente en los puentes internacionales.â Existen diferentes tipos de programas que permiten ingresos ms rpidos que aplican an unos viajeros o an otros segã ºn nacionalidades y lugar de ingreso, pero merece la pena familiarizarse con esas posibilidades de ingresos acelerados, como Global Entry, Nexus o Sentri. Consejo Evita problemas en el control de aduanas conociendo quã © se puede ingresar y quã © est sujeto a ser declarado.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Simplified Model of Consumer Behaivor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Streamlined Model of Consumer Behaivor - Essay Example Under the dynamic stage, the shopper conduct might be essentially affected by a scope of mental variables including inspiration, discernment, learning, convictions and perspectives. Those variables assume a focal job during the time spent need acknowledgment. When a customer distinguishes his real needs, he will start pre-buy look into to assemble most extreme data about accessible items in the necessary classification. What's more, he may look for choices. In the yield stage, the purchaser makes a preliminary buy and might possibly rehash the buy dependent on the post trail buy assessment. As of late I bought a Nokia N8 cell phone. Surely, various socio-social variables and Nokia’s limited time rehearses have affected me to take this buy choice. Initially, I came to see a Facebook post portraying broad highlights of this mobile phone. While I experienced the post in detail, I could understand that the greater part of the item includes were extremely helpful to my regular dail y existence. At the point when I looked into further, the greater part of the online cell phone audit discussions emphatically prescribed me to arrange for a Nokia N8. Likewise, presumed societal position that I would get from buying this expensive model additionally convinced me to go on with the buy choice. ... My perspectives and convictions toward the Nokia brand enormously impacted me to settle on this buy choice. Since Nokia is world’s driving versatile maker, I unequivocally accepted that they had satisfactory skill and experience to convey top notch items. In addition, I believed that Nokia N8 with 12 uber pixel camera would help me to put off my arrangement for computerized camera buy. Exchange Dress â€Å"Trade dress alludes to add up to picture or generally speaking impression made by product’s arrangement or bundling, inside and outside stylistic theme, engineering and other limited time materials† (Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett and Dunner). In the United States, a product’s exchange dress is considered as a type of licensed innovation and thus it is legitimately ensured by the Lanham Act. In the nation, registrable exchange dress components may incorporate highlights like â€Å"size, shape, shading, surface, designs, and packaging† (Finn egan, et al). Clearly, the size, shape, and shade of an item are central point that separates the specific item from other comparatively items. A product’s surface shows the text style, style, and different qualities of composing that are utilized to name and different subtleties of the item on its spread. The component of illustrations assumes an eminent job in making the product’s visual appearance and along these lines pulling in buyer consideration. Moreover, bundling likewise adds to a product’s outer look despite the fact that the essential expectation of this element is to shield the item from harms. Coca Cola’s 3-dimensional Coke item has a significant exchange dress. The shape and shade of this 3-dimensional Coke item

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive University of Pennsylvania Wharton School Essay Analysis, 20192020

Blog Archive University of Pennsylvania Wharton School Essay Analysis, 2019â€"2020 After making some small adjustments to its essay prompts last season, the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania appears to have settled on questions that elicit the kind of information it is seeking from its applicants, because they have not changed for 2019â€"2020. Together, the prompts ask that you outline the kind of give-and-take you foresee from your engagement in the Wharton experience. Question 1 asks what Wharton can do for you, and question 2 asksâ€"via the story of a significant achievement or other experienceâ€"what you can do for Wharton. Your greatest assets in approaching both prompts will be your knowledge of the school and the level of detail you infuse into your essays. Be knowledgeable, be authentic, and be thorough, and you should be well positioned to submit persuasive essays. Read on for more guidance on each question individually. Interested in learning how to tackle this year’s Wharton application essays? Watch the short video below before you continue reading the full analysis! Essay 1: What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? (500 words) In a mere 500 words, you must discuss your career goalsâ€"giving very brief context for why they are realistic for youâ€"and then reveal how Wharton will help you pursue these goals by demonstrating a thorough understanding of what the school offers and a well-thought-out game plan for availing yourself of these offerings. To effectively do this and write a reasoned, nuanced essay, you must first familiarize yourself with Wharton’s various resources and pinpoint those that truly pertain to you and the direction in which you hope to head. Go the extra mile in learning about the schoolâ€"connect with multiple students and alumni, attend admissions events in your area, and especially, visit the campus (if at all possible). This will provide the kind of in-depth insight that will show the admissions committee you are really serious about Wharton and are confident you belong there. Simply presenting a list of classes and clubs you think sound interesting will  not  suffice, and absolute ly avoid vague statements about how great the school is. You must reveal clear connections between your aspirations, what you need to achieve them (e.g., skills, experience[s], connections, exposure), and what Wharton in particular can provide that will enable you to fill those gaps. Note that Wharton asks you to address only the professional aspectâ€"not the professional  and personal  aspectâ€"of your business school goals. This allows you to share your career-related stories and ambitions more fully, which in turn means you can and should use the other essay(s) to discuss non-work aspects of your life and thereby provide a more complete and well-rounded picture of yourself for the admissions committee. In many ways, this prompt is asking for a typical MBA personal statement. We therefore encourage you to download your free copy of the  mbaMission Personal Statement Guide. This complimentary guide offers detailed advice on approaching and framing these subjects, along with multiple illustrative examples. Be sure to  claim your copy today. Essay 2: Describe an impactful experience or accomplishment that is not reflected elsewhere in your application. How will you use what you learned through that experience to contribute to the Wharton community? (400 words) The phrase “not reflected elsewhere” will likely cause some applicants a bit of anxiety, but let us reassure youâ€"you will not be ejected from the applicant pool for taking an experience represented in a single bullet point on your resume and exploring it here in essay form. Likewise, the school will not penalize you if one of your recommenders ends up writing about the same “impactful experience” you decide to showcase in this essay, because, most likely, you will not even know what they have written about! The key here is to focus on the “impactful experience or accomplishment” itself. As long as it is not described in depth in your resume or short answers, it should pass the “not reflected elsewhere” test. We would recommend using only the first 200 or so words of this essay to describe your chosen experience, so that you will have sufficient leeway in which to then clearly reveal what you learned from it and how it has equipped you to contribute to the Wharton community in a meaningful way. Do your best in this limited space to “show,” or really spell out, how things unfoldedâ€"rather than just stating the accomplishment or flatly presenting the situationâ€"to give the admissions reader some perspective on how you conduct yourself and achieve. You will then need to demonstrate both self-awareness and a thorough understanding of the Wharton MBA experience by outlining your takeaway(s) and drawing connections between what you learned and what you can subsequently bring the school as a member of its community. For example, a failed “side hustle” entrepreneurial project may have given you some valuable insights and skills you could now pass on to your classmates in a myriad of cla sses or clubs that revolve around entrepreneurship, or maybe it gave you an interesting new  perspective on commitment, determination, or countless other learnings. The specific knowledge you gained is not as important as conveying how you envision applying it as a student in the program. To better familiarize yourself with the Wharton program and get an insider’s perspective on its academic program, unique offerings, social life, and other key characteristics, be sure to download a complimentary copy of the mbaMission Insider’s Guide to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Additional Essay:  Required for all reapplicants. Explain how you have reflected on the previous decision about your application, and discuss any updates to your candidacy (e.g., changes in your professional life, additional coursework, extracurricular/volunteer engagements). (250 words) First-time applicants may also use this section to address any extenuating circumstances. (250 words) If you are a Wharton reapplicant, this essay is pretty straightforward. Whether you have improved your academic record, received a promotion, begun a new and exciting project, increased your community involvement, or taken on some sort of personal challenge, the key to success with this essay is conveying a very deliberate path of achievement. Wharton wants to know that you have been actively striving to improve yourself and your profile, and that you have seized opportunities during the previous year to do so, because a Wharton MBA is vital to you. The responses to this essay question will vary greatly from one candidate to the next, because each person’s needs and experiences differ. We are more than happy to provide one-on-one assistance with this highly personal essay to ensure that your efforts over the past year are presented in the best light possible. However, if you are  not  a Wharton reapplicant, pay special attention to the last line of this prompt:  First-time applicants may also use this section to address any extenuating circumstances.    Here is your opportunityâ€"if neededâ€"to address any lingering questions that an admissions officer might have about your candidacy, such as a poor grade or overall GPA, a low GRE or GMAT score, or a gap in your work experience. If you feel you may need to submit an additional essay for such a reason, consider downloading your free copy of our  mbaMission Optional Essays Guide, in which we offer detailed advice on when and how to take advantage of the optional essay (along with multiple sample essays) to help you mitigate any problem areas in your profile. The Next Stepâ€"Mastering Your Wharton Interview: Many MBA candidates find admissions interviews stressful and intimidating, but mastering this important element of the application process is definitely possibleâ€"the key is informed preparation. And, on your way to this high level of preparation, we offer our  free Interview Primers  to spur you along! Download your free copy of  The  Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania Interview Primer  today. Share ThisTweet 2019-2020 Business School MBA Essay Analysis University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)

Monday, May 25, 2020

Contribution Of Structural Engineers On Sustainable...

CONTRIBUTION OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT De Jesus, James Matthew L. ABSTRACT: This is a paper on how structural engineers help in the sustainable development of a country and how they have innovated methods of sustaining structures through experimentation and site analyses. This also covers the importance of structural engineers in sustainability. A definition of sustainability and development as separate terms give the main meaning of what sustainable development is. This is incorporated with structural engineers. KEYWORDS: sustainable development; structural engineers; contribution; importance; structures 1. SUSTAINABILITY in STRUCTURES 1.1 Sustainability in Structures Figure 1. Sustainable Structures. Sustainability is a broad topic to cover. Sustainability in structures is something to consider in all stages of a project from design through to its demolition or after its life cycle. Structures are any system that resists vertical or horizontal loads. Sustainability is essentially a personal investment towards a level of performance throughout an indefinite period of time. Not only can buildings affect the environment, social and economic impacts are also made. Buildings have an effect over the course of development as well as life of the structure. Figure 1 shows a relationship between a positive environmental, economic, and social impact. When all three occur, it can be considered fully sustainable. It is important to considerShow MoreRelatedThe Factors That Influence The Design Process2593 Words   |  11 Pagesconsideration these are only a couple. As you can see, legislation does influence the design process. An appraisal of the criteria for success is completed to determine whether the building process can go ahead, this is done in the design stages of the development. The main purpose for the appraisal is to assess the feasibility, this means assessing if the build is practicable. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Comparative Study of Texts - Module a (Hsc) - W; T and...

Despite the differences in context, a comparative study of the poetry of John Donne and Margaret Edson’s play, ‘W;t’, is essential for a more complete understanding of the values and ideas presented in ‘W;t’. Discuss this with close reference to both texts. When deconstructing the text ‘W;t’, by Margaret Edson, a comparative study of the poetry of John Donne is necessary for a better conceptual understanding of the values and ideas presented in Edson’s ‘W;t’. Through this comparative study, the audience is able to develop an extended understanding of the ideas surrounding death. This is achieved through the use of the semi-colon in the dramas title, ‘W;t’. Edson also uses juxtapositions and the literary device, wit, to shape and†¦show more content†¦Donne conveys how religion is a central idea through the use of many religious references throughout the holy sonnets. In ‘Death Be Not Proud’, Donne makes a religious reference to Jesus, ‘Die not, poore death, nor yet canst thou kill mee’, expressing how religion was an underlying theme when handling many issues. When the two texts are studied in alliance, it allows the responder to draw a better understanding of the themes presented in ‘W;t’. This theme, science VS religion, has been emphasised due to the contrasts between Vivian and Donne and their context. Vivian’s condescending nature is a characteristic that becomes amplified in her own flashbacks. This is shown through the quote, â€Å"So far so good, but they can only think for themselves only so long before the being to self-destruct†¦ Lost it† this shows how Vivian hides behind her wit which is a parallel drawn from herself and Donne. It shows the audience how they both try to hide from death by using wit. At the start of the drama, Edson alienates the main character through the use of a double meaning; â€Å"I’ve got less than two hours. Then: curtain†. ‘Curtain’ is symbolic of death and the use of this double meaning engages the audience, not through emotions, but objectives. The main theme explored in ‘W;t’ is life and death, and the connection between them. Vivian has dedicated her life to being a scholar of Donne’s holy sonnets and is therefore an expert on human morality, however whilst in

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Powers of the Constitution Essay - 546 Words

Powers of the Constitution The national and state governments derive their respective powers from the Constitution in several ways. Some powers are explicitly stated while others are not. Understanding the various types of powers can be difficult and this essay is an attempt to clarify them. The Tenth Amendment of the Constitution states, The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. From this amendment we first learn of delegated and reserved powers. Delegated powers are those powers of the national government that are expressed or implied in the Constitution. Reserved powers, therefore, are those powers†¦show more content†¦It states, The Congress shall have power to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any other department or officer thereof. The necessary and proper clause is tied closely to the supremacy clause of the Constitution. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, any thing in the Constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding. The principles of necessary and proper and the supremacy clause can be seen in the landmark case McCulloch v. Maryland. The Supreme Court ruled that the state of Maryland could not tax the United States national bank because the necessary and proper clause gave Congress a discretionary choice of means for implementing the granted powers. This also was the first case to establish the national government as supreme by not allowing the state of Maryland to regulate a national bank through taxation. Resulting powers a re derived by implication from the mass of delegated powers or from a group of them. Such powers include the taking of property by eminent domain for a purpose not specified in the Constitution, the power to carryShow MoreRelatedWhat Is The Power Of The Constitution1178 Words   |  5 PagesThe constitution, which was established in 1993, gives too many and strong powers to the Russian President. Sometimes, people compare Russias presidency with Charles de Gaulle in the French Fifth Republic Everyone knows about the authority and rights which Russian President has. He can issue decrees and directives that have the force of law without legislative review, but they should not contradict that document or other previous laws. The President has a power to make so many appointments of keyRead MoreThe Power Of The Athenian Constitution949 Words   |  4 Pagesowned property. The Athenian democracy followed a similar rule; to be on the Athenian senate, one had to be a male who owned prop erty and was not a slave. This trend has been seen throughout the western world in establishing democracies; the hegemonic power controls the laws of the state. But now, with technology, we are able to empower the disenfranchised and have a more equal representation. And with more holistic and comprehensive laws due to having a more equal representation of the people, whichRead MorePresidential Powers and the Constitution1372 Words   |  6 Pagesunder a written Constitution, the Framers of the United States had a vision of a republic that shared the balance of governance within a three branch system; each designed to organize a balance of power whereby Constitutional division of powers provide each branch the means to frustrate the goals favored by a single branch; in an attempt to promote interbranch cooperation. The Framers had extreme distrust in a large national government and especially in the case of executive power due to the eventsRead MoreSeparation of Powers in the Cons titution895 Words   |  4 Pages The Separation of Powers was simply created to establish a system of checks and balances so that no one particular division of the government could solely control all of our nations business. This makes is so the President does not have dictatorial control. Congress has a form of checked power so they cannot make unfair laws. The Judicial Branch is then not allowed to exceed the power that is given to them by law. It’s a system â€Å"Of the people, by the people, and for the people† allowing us asRead MoreMr. Powers Of The Constitution Essay978 Words   |  4 PagesMr. Powers was arrested and charged based on two pieces of evidence that were discovered by police during a warrantless search of his tent and toolbox. The issue at hand is whether this search and the subsequent seizure of the items in question violated the constitutional rights afforded to Mr. Powers by the Fourth Amendment, thus providing adequate legal grounds for a court to suppress the items pursuant to the exclusionary rule of evidence. Mapp v. Ohio, 367 U.S. 643 (1961). A court would likelyRead MoreThe Constitution and the Separation of Powers579 Words   |  2 PagesOne of the earliest ideas of separating powers came in the 1600’s and is evidenced by the idea that the parliament then is what we would consider today as being the Legislative branch of government since it was in charge of taxes. To be a king in those days would be similar to the Executive branch, as the king conducted wars and enforced the law. However, credit is often given to Baron de Montesquieu, a French philosopher. According to the authors of our text book, John Locke initially desired thereRead MorePolice Powers And The Constitution1038 Words   |  5 Pagesissues raised in Modules 1-5 I actually found it a little difficult to directly relate any of them to my present occupation. As I mentioned in my introduction I am currently employed as a law enforcement o fficer. When we discuss police powers and the Constitution directly in relation to law enforcement the mind is naturally drawn to the amendments. I most certainly don’t stop to consider the implications of judicial qualifications and the impact of our government structure on our day to day lifeRead MorePowers Of The United States Constitution1552 Words   |  7 PagesMia Stagnitta Mrs. Tobin American Government 7 17 November 2014 Enumerated Powers The United States Constitution consists of twenty-seven expressed or enumerated powers. These powers were carefully constructed by the Framers of the Constitution in hopes that the government would remain fair in its law making ways. The Legislative Branch is comprised of the Senate and House of Representatives, commonly referred to as Congress. It known of as the law making body of the United States government withRead MoreThe And Power Of The Constitution And The Idea Of Federalism1104 Words   |  5 PagesSince the very beginnings of America, there has been debate as to the size and power of the constitution and the idea of Federalism. This debate is very much present in our modern day world and it presents challenges of its own. Some of these said challenges in the American federalist society include the breakdowns in communication, the extents, and limits of government vs state power and the shared powers of said parties. To begin we must address the issue of the communication breakdown in the UnitedRead MoreThe Australian Constitution And The Separation Of Power2193 Words   |  9 PagesAustralian Constitution is a rich amalgam of various classical political principles. The concepts of the Rule of Law and the doctrine of the Separation of Powers evident in Montesquieu’s Spirit of the Laws are both salient examples of political theses that are central to Australian Constitutional Law. The structure of the Constitution itself and decisions of the High Court of Australia unequivocally validate the entrenchment of the doctrine separation of powers in the Commonwealth Constitution . In particular

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Environment Should Be Protected Because and Only Because Human Livelihoods Depend Upon It free essay sample

The environment should be protected because and only because human livelihoods depend upon it. The essay will treat the different problems that exist, nowadays, between environment and human beings, their difficulty to coexist, and mostly the ethical issues that result from it. Introduction â€Å"There is a sufficiency in the world for man’s need but nor for man’s greed†- Mohandas K. Gandhi. This sentence is getting all its meaning since the previous decades. Nowadays, the question of environment, and its relation with human beings is one of the most central issues. Many things impact people’s life, but protecting the environment and the planet should be important to everyone all around the world. The questioning of environment was an ignored issue through time, and human beings hadn’t put this problem on top of his priorities. For many years, people have satisfied their needs, without showing any concerns or awareness about the care of our planet, the way we treat our environment is described by some, like murder. Thus, it is natural to ask ourselves if the environment should be protected because and only because human livelihoods depend upon it or the opposite, that us, humans, exist only because of our planet, and that we should do all our best to save the air we breathe, the ground we live on, the entire environment that surrounds us. First of all the study will begin by what the environment is through time, then it will show the obvious relationship between environment and human beings and its issues, and it will finish by the question of ethics about human and nature. The nature of the environment In recent years, the term environment has replaced the term nature, environment may be understood by what is surrounding us, it can be separated into living components: fauna and flora, and non-living components. Environment provides resources that ensured the well being of each species in the world, it is a real support for all the living organisms that exist on our planet. According to Raymond Williams, that is one of the most famous Britain writer and philosopher, the nature can be defined as â€Å"the material world itself, taken as including or not including human beings†, it means that nature includes everything that lives, and that human beings are fully part of nature. There are two ways of thinking, on one hand, the ecologists who focus on environment and living being relationship in general and on the other hand the ones who focus on human beings and its relation with the environment. Firstly, the traditional meaning of nature was that God created it for all the living organisms, but basically, through history, people used to think that humans had a central place in it, like a king on his realm. As times has passed, with the industrial revolution, environment has another position in the society, and nowadays, human being is the one responsible for the environment’s change. According to Michel de Montaigne, French philosopher and writer of the 16th century: â€Å" Let us a little permit Nature to take her own way; she better understand her own affairs than we. Montaigne tried to explain that nature could be by itself, and that it had always done. For decades, man gives itself the right to do everything, everywhere without any concerns for the planet. Before the creation of man, the environment was evolving by itself, and now, a new reliance emerges, the well being of the environment almost depends on man. The issue is that human nature didn’t respect what was offered to it. The relationship between environment and human beings Firstly, it is crucial to realise that humans have a unique position in nature because of the exceptional ability they have to adapt, to transform, to create. In the beginning, man could be compared to other animals; nature was the one who dictated where living beings was. Humans lived with fishing, hunting, gathering vegetables; nature was the only dominator. Through time, humans continuously evolved in their way of living, they succeeded in creating new materials; they understood what the environment could provide them. The relationship between man and nature had gradually changed, through the evolution of the agriculture, man begins to control his environment, he modified his needs, and his frequency. However, the most important redefinition of the term nature was after the industrial revolution until today, man is now able to have a total control over it. The evolving of new technologies, of new mores, and the rising of the population created a new world. Since the 20th century, and the birth of the consumer society, the relation man-nature totally changed, man doesn’t only need nature in order to survive, but he needs it to satisfy different inexistent needs. The issue of energy is almost the most important, as it was said previously, evolution and energy are two reliable term, concerning man. The most famous ones are fossil energies, for years, man has used these energies indefinitely, and this phenomenon has grown abruptly because of our society. A new reliance was created, man plundered every resource on Earth, and a new dependence was born, nowadays, nature almost needs man. Moreover, another fact has to be pointed out: the massive decrease of certain species because of man, especially the decline of fish, as it is shown in the documentary: â€Å"The end of the line† by Rupert Murray, which highlights all the problems caused by humans in the maritime world. Even if man has to satisfy his natural needs, it is obvious to say that, in the 21th century, there is a big issue, because man acts without any concern about what the environment provides The questions of ethics about the relationship: man-nature Human beings are part and parcel of nature, which is part and parcel of the universe. Nowadays, new issues comes up about environment, a lot of scientists agree that human beings succeed in creating an alarming disaster on the planet. Since few decades, man realised what happened, and the mores about environment preservation began to change, it is now a well-known fact. However, there are some real ethical questions that have emerged: who is responsible of the environment degradation? Does it have to concern every man on Earth? Was it legitimate for human beings to use what nature can offer without any awareness of the damage? As it was previously said, it is necessary to understand that man is unique compared to other living species. In the mean time, nature created every living organism, included man, thus, these ones have to give it some respect; it is the basis of the ethics. Unfortunately, the issue is the nature of men, they didn’t respect the contract, and they even abused of the environment’s creed. Human beings basically exploit nature to gratify their selfish instincts; they are ignorant of what universe had provided them. The fact is that the development of our society takes over the good preservation of our planet, when man undertakes to create new technologies, he doesn’t have any concern about the environment, because it is included in human nature. Moreover, it is difficult to satisfy everyone’s needs, and thinking about the protection of the environment at the same time, but today, human beings are facing a really new type of dimension concerning environment. At first, man deeply depended on nature, and it is the opposite in this day and age, nature deeply depends on man. What is central to highlight, it is that all flora and fauna is degrading, man destroys living life, and today, we are on the ledge of nature bankruptcy. Human beings have to be more and more implicated in the protection of Earth; it is crucial for them to save the living and non-living organisms for the reason that even if man doesn’t protect the environment for himself, he has to do it for all the species that exists in the world, and that he threatens. Conclusion â€Å"I dont understand why when we destroy something created by man we call it vandalism, but when we destroy something created by nature we call it progress† – Ed. Begley Jr. This quote really points out the fact that it is unconsciously acknowledged in humans minds that using all the resources that nature has to offer is normal and moral. The way of thinking is starting to evolve these days, because people are realizing that it’s for their own sake that the environment should be preserved. This shows all the duality of the problem, people start caring only when their own interests are at stake, and not due to the fact that it is ethical and moral to try and protect the living things around us. Ecologist have now a very powerful plea, which is that letting things going the way they are will harm us, but this means that telling people that we should protect the environment just because it is a beautiful living thing that we should try to coexist with, wouldn’t work. The consequence of people starting to care is good, but if they are doing it for the wrong reasons, selfish reasons, is that really the morality that we should adopt?